لیست اخبار صفحه :1
Iraqi Anti-Drug Management Delegation
Iraqi Anti-Drug Management Delegation Visits the Iranian National Addiction Studies Center
Following the first joint meeting of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq on drug control held at the Iranian Drug Control Headquarters, a group of Iraqi experts visited the National Addiction Studies Center. During the visit, the Iraqi delegation became acquainted with the center's various activities, including its treatment and laboratory sections, and gained insight into modern methods of addiction treatment and prevention.
A joint program is now established between the Iranian National Center fot Addiction Studies and the Swiss National Science Foundation
Smartphone intervention in opioid addiction in Iran
Published in " THE LANCET" : The Most Important Article by Iranian Researchers on "Iran's Progress and Challenges in Health"
Iranian researchers in "Iran in Transition", the article which was published in the April 2019 in International Journal of The Lancet, have broadly examined the health status in Iran over the past centuries up to now.